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Mari belajar software komputer.dengan panduan-panduan yang ada memudahkan kamu tuk memahami sebuah software.
Jangan khawatir soal biyaya tak seperpun dipungut biyaya. alias GRATIS TIS TIS........
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Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Trial

Menguasai CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 saja saya belum tuntas, eh sekarang sudah ada CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 yang merupakan versi terbaru dari CorelDRAW. Tetapi saya mesti mengikuti perkembangan terbaru dari CorelDRAW ini juga, karena di versi terbaru ini pasti ada penambahan fitur terbaru yang tentunya dapat membantu kita dalam membuat desain grafis. Selain itu CorelDRAW merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang saya ajarkan di SMA, jadi saya mesti tahu seluk beluknya dan apa perbedaan antara versi yang lama dengan versi terbarunya. Sebelum kita berbicara terlalu jauh, sobat sekalian pasti sudah tidak asing lagi khan dengan software CorelDRAW ini khan??? Yaps,,, CorelDRAW merupakan salah satu software desain grafis yang dapat membantu sobat untuk membuat gambar vektor. Gambar Vektor sendiri merupakan objek gambar yang dibentuk melalui kombinasi titik-titik dan garis dengan menggunakan rumusan matematika tertentu. Sehingga gambar yang dihasilkan tidak pecah meski diperbesar beberapa kali.
Nah, buat sobat sekalian yang membutuhkannya silahkan langsung saja di-download, saya sudah menyiapkan Link downloadnya dan saya juga masih dalam tahap mendownloadnya. Jadi saya belum sempat share gambar Screenshootnya di blog ini. Dan saya juga masih mencari Keygen dan juga Crack-nya sehingga saya hanya share CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Trial ini. Baiklah buat sobat yang membutuhkan CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 ini silahkan langsung saja di-download, cekidot...

Semoga dapat bermanfaat buat sobat, salam .:: ashtho software easy ::.

Catatan :
Link di bawah ini akan mengantarkan sobat ke situs adf.ly. Jika situs tersebut sudah terbuka, silahkan tunggu 5 detik dan klik tombol SKIP AD yang berada di pojok kanan atas dari Browser sobat untuk masuk ke Hosting download.

 Download | CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Trial


Download Blender 2.63 Terbaru - Software Gratis untuk Animasi 3D | sobat sekalian pernah nonton film animasi 3D (3 Dimensi) gak??? Pernah kefikiran bagaimana cara membuat karakter dalam film 3D tersebut??? Untuk mengobati rasa penasaran sobat sekalian, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share salah satu software GRATIS yang biasa digunakan oleh kalangan professional pembuat animasi 3D untuk membuat hasil karya animasi 3D yang professional.
Software yang sata maksudkan adalah Bleder 2.63 yang merupakan salah satu software pembuat animasi 3D yang bisa sobat gunakan secara gratis. Sobat jangan salah menafsirkan kata Blendernya yach, hehehe. Baiklah, buat sobat yang membutuhkan atau ingin mencoba membuat animasi 3D silahkan langsung saja didownload, cekidot..

Semoga dapat memberikan manfaat, salam .:: ashtho software easy ::.
Password RAR  :  ashtho

Catatan :
Link di bawah ini akan mengantarkan sobat ke situs adf.ly. Jika situs tersebut sudah terbuka, silahkan tunggu 5 detik dan klik tombol SKIP AD

Windows XP/Vista/7 (32bit & 64 bit), Linux x86-32, Linux x86-35, Mac OS X dan FreeBSD


Download Sweet Home 3D v3.5 - Software untuk Mendesain Rumah
Hai sobat ketemu lagi nih ..
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nah ini dia softwarenya.
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Download Sweet Home 3D v3.5 - Software untuk Mendesain Rumah

Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

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Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

FL Studio 10 Full Version

FL Studio 10 adalah software musik yang lengkap, populer dan menarik di dunia produksi musik. Dengan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan & fokus. Segala yang Anda butuhkan dalam mengembangkan musik berkualitas profesional seperti menyusun, mengatur, merekam, mengedit, mencampur dan menguasai musik ada dalam satu paket. FL Studio 10 adalah cara tercepat dalam meyalurkan inspirasi musik dari otak Anda ke speaker Anda.

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Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

CHEAT ANGINE 6.1 MSF Most Wanted
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Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Advanced SystemCare Pro Full Activation

Advanced SystemCare Pro Full Activation

Kumpulan Software Gratis | Advanced SystemCare Pro Full Activation | I once shared Software Utility Advanced SystemCare Pro 5.2.0. Now there are new updates. Advanced SystemCare Pro Full Serial is a diversified software utilities. We know software is a software utility that serves to optimize PC performance by cleaning the registry, delete the corrupt file, remove broken shortcuts and others. This software is one of the best utilities program at this time.
Slow down, freeze, crash and security threats are over. Advanced SystemCare Free is a comprehensive PC care utility That takes an one-click approach to help protect, repair and optimize your computer. Advanced SystemCare is a very useful system tweak application.

Scanning and finding what nther utilities miss, it can keep your PC error-free and smooth than ever. This fantastic program is available free of charge.
Powerful Hard Drive Defragmentation High-speed Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools. Next-generation Registry Clean and Optimization Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragment the whole registry for maximum performance.

Defends PC Security with Extra Protection Detect and analyze Windows security environment. Scans and Removes spyware and adware using up-to-date definition files. Prevents spyware, hackers and hijackers from installing malicious items on your computer. Erases and updates your PC's activity history. Quick and Extensive Clean-up for Hard Drives Boosts your system's performance by cleaning missing files, destroying unwanted files, deleting obsolete files, and removing junk files. Supports clean-up of over 50 different types of junk files.

Speeds Up PC Performance and Internet Access Tunes up Windows by unleashing the built-in power of your system. Dramatically improves both system and Internet performance up to 400%. Fixes Multiple System Errors Does more than a registry cleaner, keeping your PC stable and running at peak efficiency. Repairs PC configurations by eliminating system bottlenecks and Preventing crashes. Extremely Easy to Use completes its work with just one click. Scans, repairs and Gives personal care to your PC in one minute.
Keeping your computer in top-notch shape That requires some specialized software can identify and fix existing problems and also take precautionary measures to Prevent the occurrence of some of Those issues.

Advanced SystemCare AIMS to fulfill the needs of users WHO need to have Their systems are optimized and running as fast as possible. This application is not only Supposed to help fix Windows problems, but also to tweak the settings so That the existing operating system can load and work a lot Quicker.

When installing this utility, you need to pay extra attention Because the third-party software included in the setup may change the settings of your Internet browser. Once you get past this step, you will meet an eye-candy interface with modern elements will guide you through That whole fixing and optimizing the process.
Keeping your computer in top-notch shape That requires some specialized software can identify and fix existing problems and also take precautionary measures to Prevent the occurrence of some of Those issues.

Advanced SystemCare AIMS to fulfill the needs of users WHO need to have Their systems are optimized and running as fast as possible. This application is not only Supposed to help fix Windows problems, but also to tweak the settings so That the existing operating system can load and work a lot Quicker.

When installing this utility, you need to pay extra attention Because the third-party software included in the setup may change the settings of your Internet browser. Once you get past this step, you will meet an eye-candy interface with modern elements will guide you through That whole fixing and optimizing the process.
The main window provides access to the main functions of the application, so That you can Immediately initiate a 'Quick Care', a 'Deep Care', start a so-called 'Turbo Boost' or enter the Toolbox.

The two 'Care' parts have the power to heal your computer completely, but it's recommended to go for the more thorough one in order to spot any issues That Might exist. Both of them run pretty fast, without putting a lot of stress on system resources, as we found out during our tests.

Clicking the 'Toolbox' icon will open a whole new dimension, as it holds modules for cleaning, optimizing and repairing Windows issues. Of course, each of them comes with a short description, so the user will definitely know what every function is all about.

Because power users will probably want to give Their very own personal touch to the application, there's also a settings menu of options with all Kinds, Including That one concerns the overall look. Advanced SystemCare comes with theme support, and beside the ones already included in the app, you can also find more online.
All in all, Advanced SystemCare is a great helper if there's something wrong with your machine. It will find all the performance issues and fix them in a few moments, but the make sure to perform regular scans if you want to keep the system firing on all cylinders at all times.

Key Feature:

· Scan and remove spyware and adware with the latest definition
· Prevent spyware, hijackers and bad websites from being installed
· Erase the history of all activities in your computer
· Scan and fix invalid and improper registry entries
· Detect and remove invalid startup items
· Search and Clean up unused Windows garbage
· Repair system configurations, Eliminate System Bottlenecks and Prevent Crashes
· Tune up Windows to improv both system and Internet performance, Unleash the power of your Windows
· Analyze and Show detailed information of hardware and Windows
· Finish all Work with one click, Super Easy to Use

· 300 MHz processor or faster processor
· 256 MB of RAM
· 30 MB of free hard disk space

What's New in This Release:

· Added Slient Mode function
· Added "Privacy Sweep" more support for latest version of frequently-used software
· Improved user interface
· Improved updater
· Improved "Privacy Sweep", "Auto Sweep" etc.
· Updated multiple languages
· Updated database driver
· Updated the anti-malware database
· Fixed general bugs